Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rev Moon and Pseudoscience

Recently, I was challenged by a member of the Unification movement to read the scripture unique to the movement before dismissing it as just another Korean cult lead by a man claiming to be the returned Jesus Christ in Korean form, like the World Mission Society Church of God and others do.

Reading the first chapter, it is reminiscent of Scientology--another religion that attempts to inject a semblance of science and psychology into a belief system in part inspired by eastern philosophy.

In the very first chapter of Divine Principle, Sun Myung Moon states:
"Let us take human beings as an example. A human being is composed of an outer form, the body, and an inner quality, the mind. The body is a visible reflection of the invisible mind. Because the mind possesses a certain structure, the body which reflects it also takes on a particular appearance. This is the idea behind a person’s character and destiny being perceived through examining his outward appearance by such methods as physiognomy or palm reading. Here, mind is the internal nature and body is the external form. Mind and body are two correlative aspects of a human being; hence, the body may be understood as a second mind. Together, they constitute the dual characteristics of a human being. Similarly, all beings exist through the reciprocal relationships between their dual characteristics of internal nature and external form."--Divine Principle 1.1
Curious enough this portion of the text is not highlighted in the literature. Reverend Moon seemed to believe in the pseudoscientific physiognomy and palm reading. We see in his other writings and speeches he referred to physiognomy:
"I cannot remember anyone saying, though, that my small eyes make me any less attractive. In fact, people who know something about physiognomy, the art of understanding a person’s characteristics and fortune by studying facial features, say my small eyes give me the right disposition to be a religious leader. I think it is similar to the way a camera is able to focus on objects farther away as the aperture of its iris diaphragm is reduced. A religious leader needs to be able to see farther into the future than do other people, and perhaps small eyes are an indication of such a quality. My nose is rather unusual as well. Just one look and it is obvious that this is the nose of a stubborn and determined man. There must be something to physiognomy, because when I look back on my life, these features of my face seem to parallel the way I have lived my life."--
AS A PEACE-LOVING GLOBAL CITIZEN, The Joy of Giving Food to Other, Ch 1.2
In an address he stated:
"American women have a high nose and large deep eyes. A high nose indicates that you are so proud of yourself. Your large and deep eyes indicate your arrogance. You have the hidden mind of thieves. Because your eyes are set deep it means you don’t want people to observe you from the side. It is as if you are hiding in a way. It is true. It is fearful actually. Father’s way of interpretation of the Western features is that your nose represents Satan’s spear tip. Your eyes represent Satan’s warehouse. Don’t you agree that you are greedy? If any struggle or feud goes on in your town you never want to lose."--TRUE PARENTS’ DAY ADDRESS TRUE PARENTS’ DAY IS MY TRUE SON’S DAY, April 18, 1996. World Mission Center.
It would be hilarious if these were not the words of a religious leader. Rev'd Moon seems to simply be a product of his place and time. Physiognomy has long been a part of Korean culture

To be continued.....

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