Saturday, September 19, 2020

Phillip Stallings

 An individual I used to debate with on the online forum paltalk who went by the screen name Mrparadox has been charged with several counts of  "SECOND DEGREE SEXUAL EXPLOITATION MINOR" among other charges.

Years back there was a blog and several other posts dedicated to exposing his crimes, he was successfully able to convince these people to take down their articles and posts exposing the crimes he committed sometimes to minors by sending unsolicited nudes photos of himself. 

Stallings was a staunch apologists for Calvinism who espoused lordship salvation, the idea that those who are saved will live in such a way as to show Jesus is their Lord. Unfortunately for Stallings, he did not display this. I recall incidents in chat rooms, even Calvinist run ones, where Stallings would be slurring his words, people suspected he was on medication, drugs or drunk--occasionally people would be drunk on the microphone. Prior to his arrest, I recall in addition to advocating Calvinism, he moved on to geocentrism, and even more absurdly flat earth and ran a flat earth society website. He insisted the south pole is like the outer rim of a plate and that Australian flights around Antarctica are dishonest. About this time he was exposed as a deviant who was sending his nude photos to several women on facebook and other means. After apologizing, convincing people to remove their exposes of him, he adopted a theological position advocating for the institution of death penalty for crimes like homosexuality, seeing no irony or hypocrisy with his own depravity. 

The joke on the chatroom despite Mrparadox adopting geocentrism, flat earth, etc, was it is still more reasonable than his Calvinism.

A defunct website that catalogued several of Stallings' depravities including screenshots of Stallings' photos he sent to young women.

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