
Saturday, April 5, 2014

KJV 1611 and its Popishness

I have recently run into a community of Seventh Day Adventists that are very anti-Catholic and very pro-KJV, insisting that the other Bibles are riddled with the fleas of Popery. Let's check out some of the Popish Romanism the KJV 1611 is logged full of.

In the KJV 1611 Kalendar under February

Popish Holyday the "Purification of Mary" aka Candlemas is on February 2!

Popish feast day of St Valentine is listed under its present date February 14!

Prayers listed under February 2 includes Wisd. 9 and Wisd 12 (a Catholic book omitted in modern edition of the KJV 1611)

Prayers listed under February 24 includes Wisd xix (the last chapter of this papist book!)

Next Page--March

This page exposes even grander examples of the KJV's popery!

The Popish feast day of St Edward the Martyr--A Romish English, Saint, King and Martyr is listed under March 18 the traditional papist date

The Romish feast day of the Annunciation of Mary is listed under March 25--9 months before the holyday Christmas.

The Popish feast of the founder of Western monasticism St Benedict of Nursia is celebrated on March 21, as some do.

Even worse, in its most blatant, unashamed example of Popery yet it lists a Romish Pope on its Kalendar!

Pope Gregorie aka Gregory the Great (reigned AD 590-604) is listed under its present day of March 12!

Conclusion: This and many more show the Catholic influence in the King James Version 1611 Bible. A good seventh day Adventist or good Baptist should either reject this so called translation for its obvious influence by Popery or become a miserable papist himself! As it must be asked if Adventists and Baptists insist the KJV 1611 is perfect because of its pure manuscripts from Textus receptus of the Antioch Line, then why is it no Baptist or Adventist makes a modern-updated version of the text into modern English, rather than spend all the time on the older English of the KJV--since after all the NKJV is corrupt? Could it be no Baptist or Adventist is qualified to do such a thing, or that they cannot trust their own people?!

Per request, the KJV 1611 calendar for December-January:


Notice it includes the "Conc. of Mary" ie the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8,  feast day of St Nicholas on December 6, Luci virgin (St Lucy) on December 13, as well as Christmas on December 25, the feast of [Pope] St Sylvester on December 31



  1. As always, interesting post and good research!

  2. Hi I am catholic Brazilian, one question for curiosity; is KJV/AV 1611 is anti or contemporary catholic book? For king james1 was baptized as catholic but he was needed to be protestant for political... could you explain?

    1. From what I understand James was essentially kidnapped by the Calvinist nobility as a child, when they arrested his mother the Queen of Scotland. He probably had little memory of being Catholic and he was conditioned to be Protestant. The King James Bible was supposed to be an English Protestant Royalist Bible. The KJV is not overtly anti-catholic, the Church of England then and now was a civil war between different theological factions--that that favored Calvinism, those that favored more Catholic influence, and Arminianism that was starting to pop up in the Netherlands when the KJV 1611 was made. The Anglican church is often accused of being "big tent" meaning they want a broad array of theological views within their church, because their church is government controlled, and more closely aligns the people with the English crown. Erastianism always wants ways for the government to assert its otherwise over faith, a government funded and regulated Bible was one of these ways.

  3. Hi, I have the Kjv or Av 1611 apocrypha(I prefer call them deuterocaninical books), that okay for me (as catholic Roman Brazilian I am) for theology Catholicism or better with Septuagint for Catholicism, could you explain to me that okay or I'm against to holy mother church for use king James? I recognize jesus founded his church for given keys to Saint Peter. Abraço e cheia de graça sobre ti irmão de Brasil

    1. Portions of the KJV are used in the Anglican Ordinariate liturgy (Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Peter) of which I am a member. It is quoted in the liturgy for the "Final gospel" (John 1:1-14). In addition, other portions of the liturgy largely follow the KJV. The translation is not all bad. As a whole, it is not approved of for Catholics, though I think in England there is a KJV edition for Catholics, I do not know if its approved officially though. Traditional Catholics in English speaking countries use the Douai Rheims Bible (the current edition largely was made to conform to the KJV). The original Douai Rheims was translated in 1582 for the New Testament, and 1610 for the Old Testament.

      There are portions of the KJV that I think were deliberately translated wrong to not sound like "Catholic." Portions of it follow the Latin Vulgate. The Greek manuscript used to translate the New Testament for the KJV was the Textus Receptus by the Catholic priest Erasmus, who rejected the Reformation.

  4. Hi, happy Holidays could you list to January-December all list of feast and days in kjv 1611 like: day,saint/feast/holyday, bible lessons. Ps. Feliz ano novo aí, abraços do nordestino brasileiro católico romano

    1. Done, it's a little hard to see, but I included a link to see for yourself. It includes the traditional Catholic feast days even the "Conc[eption] of Mary", Christmas, and St Nicholas. Merry Christmas!

  5. Hello, could you make a blog about Geneva bible 1560 with apocrypha and why is so hated in England and puritans loved it? Gratia plena maria
