Thursday, March 7, 2019

Judas died on Hell Blvd

According to the evangelists, Judas hung himself and the silver he was paid to betray Christ was used to buy a field that was called Akeldama--the Field of Blood, since Acts 1 state Judas' bowels split open and gushed out. Matthew 27 simply says Judas went and hung himself. The traditional explanation is the two narratives are not contradictions, but that he hung himself on a cliff, and the tree (or whatever he used) broke and he fell down and his insides gushed out. This, of course, being symbolic and borrowed from the prophets to symbolizes the fate of the wicked.

Then, there is the question of whether Judas, who did repent, was damned to Hell. Generally, when the gospel says he repented, its understood, it was not necessarily a righteous one, after all--he killed himself. Then you have the fact Christ said it would have been better had Judas never been born. But still some insist--this is not enough evidence to say Judas is damned.

Here is another piece of evidence.

Judas' field, Akeldama, is located in a valley in Jerusalem (actually just outside the Old City Walls) on hill side. The valley==Gey ben Hinom. The etymology of the word Gehenna--the word the old and new testaments use to describe the place of eternal damnation, being the valley where infidels burned their children in the fires to the demon Moloch. The traditional site of the death of Judas now hosts a Greek Orthodox monastery. It is located near the border of the 1949 Armistice.

Even, the street name of the site is Gey Ben Hinom Street. In other words, Hell Road. Parallel to Gey Ben Hinom is Gey Ben Hinom St is the Gey Ben Hinom Stream, "Hell's Creek."

Here is a Google Earth street view of the lovely monastery in the tranquil valley housing the monk of the land of Gehenna. as well as the serene little road that, as it were, the Highway to Hell.

As you can see, this place had both cliffs, at least steep enough drops and trees that could be used for Judas to hang, fall and gush asunder.

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